Current Projects

Vocational Education
Changing futures through knowledge
The goal of this project is to give young people in our care the opportunity to learn work skills, give them a sense of self-worth and become independent, productive citizens in their own country. We have a part-time staff person administering the project under the supervision of our executive director, Patti Sue, and others. We plan to start the project with two areas of learning, sewing/embroidery, and cosmetology. We will have staff teach some of the beginning sessions with input and assistance from professionals from the community. Initially, we plan to give the kids the opportunity to do several projects in each area and determine their interests and add other areas of skills in the future. We have received a donation of $10,000 to start the Vocational Education Project. This will get us through the initial startup phase and provide support for the first several months.
The donor has agreed to provide an additional $15,000 in matching funds for the program, so for every $1 we raise for the Vocational Education program, the donor will match $1 up to an additional $15,000. If you are interested in supporting this program, please send checks to Hope Extended or donate through this website and select Vocational Education as your donation designation.

Special Needs House
Providing a home for a lifetime
We provide care for many children with special medical needs. Many of them age out without being adopted, so we lovingly care for them for their lifetime. To provide these special souls the quality of life they deserve, we need to build a home or "casa" specifically designed to accommodate their medical needs.
We have room on our property here in Shell, Ecuador to build another home. We already have architectural plans for the home and we are ready to make this dream a reality. We are in the process of raising money to start on the foundation of the house. We are currently seeking partnerships with US-based charities, churches, or individuals to help us with this important work. Can you help?

Covered Sports Court
Physical activity is very important for all the children and adults at Casa de Fe. We have recently laid the concrete for a new outdoor soccer/sports court and it's already getting lots of use! Now we are working to complete the covered roof. This project is Have you ever played soccer or futból in Ecuador? It's so much fun!
This project is fully funded! Thank you!